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Class Code | Class | Teacher | TextBook | Time | Room | Tuition | |
CHI-E101 |
中文外教班101 (For Non-Chinese Speaking Students) (Age 6+) |
Zilu Cheng |
Sunday 1:30-2:25PM |
Hybrid Rudder 410 Zoom Room3 |
$130 | |
CHI-E102 |
中文外教班102 (For Non-Chinese Speaking Students) (Age 6+) |
Hello, my name is Jing Qi. I’ve had the pleasure of teaching at TAMU Chinese School for over two years. I’m thrilled to teach this class this semester and meet more language enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds who share an interest for learning Chinese. I hold a Master’s degree and the Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, as well as the Mandarin Proficiency Test Certificate, which certifies my ability to speak fluent and standard Mandarin. I’m also enrolled in the Educating Multilingual Learners program at Arizona State University, which helps me refine my skills to better support my students. In my classroom, I aim to create a fun and engaging environment where students can enjoy the process of learning Chinese. I believe that speaking Chinese is a valuable and cool skill and I hope to inspire my students to explore both the language and culture in a fun and natural way. I’m looking forward to a wonderful semester together! Close |
Online |
$130 | |
2025 春季学期,马立平中文一年级班会继续学习《马立平中文--一年级》教材,整体课程安排为周日实体课进行新课时学习,周三网课巩固复习并进行书写练习。在教学中会穿插华人传统节日和习俗的介绍。 周日实体课会安排20分钟左右的复习和书写,十分钟的中文歌曲或者诗词儿歌,剩余时间为新课时的教学。 周三网课也会安排前课复习和周日课程复习。 总体希望带着孩子们开心的学习中文,利用歌曲游戏诗词来丰富学生的语言学习内容。
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Maliping Chinese 1(马立平中文1册) Section 1 (Age 5-8) |
大家好,我是于婷,来自辽宁大连市,主修经济学和英语。目前和家人在College Station 生活并工作。 我喜欢写作,喜欢唱歌跳舞,业余时间会做中英文的翻译工作,并参与儿童活动的组织和管理工作。 我有两个孩子,我个人就很注重孩子的中文学习,会给孩子读中文绘本,带着孩子看中文的综艺,陪孩子练习书法,并参加华人社区活动。我相信中文学习是学与玩的结合,很高兴带着孩子们一起学习中文。
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Maliping Chinese 1 (马立平中文1册)
Sunday 1:30-2:25PM |
Online Zoom Room1 |
$130 | |
Maliping Chinese 1(马立平中文1册) Section 2 (Age 5-8) |
Ting YU |
Maliping Chinese 1 (马立平中文1册) Note: must register BOTH sessions: S1 and S2. The schedule is tentative.
Wednesday 7:30-8:30PM |
Online Zoom Room1 |
$0 | |
Maliping Chinese 2(马立平中文2册) Section 1 (Age 5-8) |
大家好,我是戚靖,在TAMU中文学校授课马立平中文已有两年多时间。硕士学位,本科主修教育教学方法与教育心理学等课程,持有职业教育教师资格证、国际中文教师证书、普通话二级甲等。同时,我也在亚利桑那州立大学面向多语言背景教学项目中学习。 身在大洋彼岸,中文不仅是语言,更关乎情感。我希望能够建立有趣有序的课堂,在可能的传承中贡献一份微薄之力。若过程中能逐步培养起孩子们对中文和中华文化的兴趣甚至热爱,就将是更好的收获。我也期待通过有针对性地教学,帮助孩子们在听、说、读、写等方面都有所进步,希望他们更自如地使用中文,更自信地讲好中华故事。 凡事用心皆有成,用心一者诣其极。期待新学期与大家用心同行,共同成长! Close |
Maliping Chinese 2 (马立平中文2册)
Sunday 1:30-2:25PM |
In Person Rudder 401 (510 on 2/9) |
$130 | |
Maliping Chinese 2(马立平中文2册) Section 2 (Age 5-8) |
Jing Qi |
Maliping Chinese 2 (马立平中文2册) Note: must register BOTH sessions: S1 and S2. The schedule is tentative. |
Tuesday 7:00-8:00PM |
Online Zoom Room3 |
$0 | |
Maliping Chinese 4(马立平中文4)(Age 7-10) |
Huixia Duan |
马立平4 (Maliping Chinese 4) |
Sunday 1:30-2:25PM |
In Person Rudder 402 |
$130 | |
Maliping Chinese 4(马立平中文4)(Age 7-10) |
Huixia Duan |
马立平4 (Maliping Chinese 4) Note: must register BOTH sessions: S1 and S2. The schedule is tentative. |
Friday 5:00-6:00PM |
Online Zoom Room1 |
$0 | |
Maliping Chinese 5(马立平中文5)(Age 8-11) |
Zilu Cheng |
马立平5 (Maliping Chinese 5) |
Sunday 2:30-3:25PM |
Online Zoom Room1 |
$130 | |
Maliping Chinese 5(马立平中文5)(Age 8-11) |
Zilu Cheng |
马立平5 (Maliping Chinese 5) Note: must register BOTH sessions: S1 and S2. The schedule is tentative. |
Friday 8:00-9:00pm |
Online Zoom Room2 |
$0 | |
Maliping Chinese 6 (马立平中文6) (Age:8-14) |
Fenghuan Wang |
Maliping Chinese 6 (马立平中文6) |
Sunday 2:30-3:25PM |
In Person Rudder 502 (504 on 2/9) |
$130 | |
Maliping Chinese 6 (马立平中文6) (Age:8-14) |
Fenghuan Wang |
Maliping Chinese 6 (马立平中文6) Note: must register BOTH sessions: S1 and S2. The schedule is tentative. |
Tuesday 6:00-8:00PM |
Online Zoom Room1 |
$0 | |
Maliping Chinese 7 (马立平中文7册) (Age 9-14) |
Peizhen Li |
Maliping Chinese 7 (马立平中文7) |
Saturday 8:00-10:00AM |
Online Zoom Room5 |
$130 | |
Club-4H |
4H Club |
Jun Wang , Stephanie Liu , Zeyu Guo |
(Club Meeting on the following dates, Bi-weekly meetings: 2/9, 2/23, 3/23, 4/6, 4/20, 5/4) |
Sunday 5:30-6:00 PM |
In Person Rudder 404 |
$0 | |
COMP-Scratch |
Computer Scratch Coding (计算机编程)(Age 7+) |
Owen Cai |
Bring your own laptop |
Sunday 2:30-3:25PM |
In Person Rudder 410 |
$90 | |
ART (Age: 8+) |
Katie Liu |
The tuition includes a materials fee for the art supplies. |
Sunday 2:30-3:25PM |
In Person Rudder 402 |
$100 | |
Chess 国际象棋(Age 7+) |
Bruce Ladendorf | Sunday 4:30-5:25PM |
In Person Rudder 410 |
$90 | ||
ENR-Crochet |
Introduction to Crochet 钩针编织入门 (Age: 9+) |
Nini Li |
Tuition includes all necessary supplies for the class. Please note that there will be NO classes on February 23 and March 2, 2025. |
Sunday 4:30-5:25PM |
In Person Rudder 502 (504 on 2/9) |
$100 | |
Chinese School Dance Class 1 (Age 5-9)
Fang Wan | Sunday 2:30-3:25PM |
In Person Rudder 501 |
$100 | ||
ENR-DAN1-Street |
Street Dance (街舞) (Age 5-9) |
Jingran Yang | Sunday 2:30-3:25PM |
In Person Rudder 401 (510 on 2/9) |
$100 | ||
Chinese School Dance Class 2 (Age 9+) |
Fang Wan | Sunday 1:30-2:25PM |
In Person Rudder 501 |
$100 | ||
ENR-DAN2-Street |
Street Dance (街舞) (Age: 10+) |
Jingran Yang | Sunday 4:30-5:25PM |
In Person Rudder 401 (510 on 2/9) |
$100 | ||
ENR-DAN-Adult |
Adult Dance Activity (Age: 20+) |
Katie Liu | Sunday 4:30-5:25PM |
In Person Rudder 501 |
$0 | ||
ENR-Music1 |
Violin/Viola group class 小提琴/中提琴 (Age 5+) |
林老师 旅美小提琴、中提琴音乐表演硕士(全额奖学金); Suzuki Music School 小提琴老师; 曾任阿拉巴马大学交响乐团提琴声部指导老师及第一小提琴及奥斯汀 本科(以全省第一考入)
2024 中提琴,小提琴教学总结
Adelaide Brewer: Alabama All State Symphony Orchestra (第二名) University of Alabama Campus Orchestra (阿拉巴马大学青年乐团) Katherine Xu: Florida All State Symphony Orchestra(弗罗里达州交响乐团) Florida Youth Symphony Orchestra (弗罗里达青交) Isabella Wong (Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra)波士顿青交 Ryan Hong( Northern Virginia Symphony Orchestra)(北弗吉尼亚交响乐团) The Capitol Youth Symphony Orchestra(首都青年交响乐团)最高等级) Yuantao Tang:Pittsburgh Youth Concert Orchestra(匹兹堡青交,最高等级) Josh Tung:DCSD Honor Orchestra(道格拉斯学区荣誉乐团)第二名( Kevin Qin ( Texas All Regional Symphony Orchestra)( 德州交响乐团,高中) Deng Tang:Texas All Regional Orchestra(德州区交响乐团)高中组,中提琴第六名 Cindy:Massachusetts Greater New Heaven Concert Orchestra(马塞诸塞州当地最好乐团) Ethan Chen: North Central Honor Orchestra 中北部荣誉乐团 (俄克拉荷马城)(考取第七名,任第一小提琴 超150名小提琴手报名,录取44人) 校独奏比赛,小提琴第一名 Chenhao He(第四名),Lucy Wu(viola中提琴) Alan Wu,Alex Wang(第九名) Texas All Regional Orchestra
学习小提琴及中提琴的优势 1.从五年级开始,学生可以加入校乐团,六年级开始, 2.交响乐团几十把小提琴、中提琴,上台演奏的机会多, 3.体积小,便于携带,任何时候都能演奏。 4.学习小提琴是金耳朵,以后学任何乐器都会比较容易
功利一点说:比赛多,考乐团的机会就多,申请好大学更有优势 4.比赛及上台表演(交响乐团,室内乐,独奏) 自六年级开始至12年级,每年会有全美权威比赛:all regional 及all state,并且当地会有青年乐团。以及校比赛,区比赛, 5.转中提琴很好上手,(又多了一门技能)
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Wednesday 7:15-8:15PM |
Online |
$90 | ||
Class Description: This class will teach string players (violin, viola, and cello players) how to perform chamber music, which is a form of classical music performed in small ensembles. Students will be placed into groups based on their skill level and receive thorough coaching and instruction. At the end of the semester, chamber groups will perform in a recital for parents and other students. Additionally, during the fall semester, students may receive optional help preparing for All-Region Orchestra auditions. If opted in, students will receive group instruction, participate in live mock auditions, and receive detailed feedback and criticism on their playing. Required:
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Chamber music for Violin, Viola and Cello (age 8 +) |
Michael Wu is a sophomore at A&M Consolidated High School. He is the 1st chair cellist of the TMEA Region 8 High School Full Orchestra and was previously the 1st chair cellist of the TMEA Region 8 South Zone Middle School Orchestra. He has been selected for several prestigious music programs, such as the Chamber Music Institute at the University of Houston, the Houston Youth Symphony, and the Philadelphia International Music Festival’s Solo Performance Preparation Program, where he also received chamber music coaching. His experience and expertise will guide students in developing as musicians and learning collaborative skills, as well as preparing students for All-Region auditions.
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Sunday 4:30-5:25PM |
In Person Rudder 402 |
$90 | ||
Singapore Math, Age 5-8, Grade 1 |
Xindi Martin |
《Singapore Intensive Practice U.S. Edition》 (select "MATH1-book “ to order a textbook) |
Sunday 3:30-4:25PM |
In Person Rudder 501 |
$90 | |
MATH1-book |
新加坡数学教材1B册 《Singapore Intensive Practice U.S. Edition》 |
Huixia Duan , Xindi Martin |
Only students who have registered a singorpore math class are eligible to order a book. |
In Person TBD |
$15 | ||
Singapore Math, Age 6-9, Grade 2 |
Alison Li |
《Singapore Intensive Practice U.S. Edition》 (select "MATH2-book “ to order a textbook) |
Sunday 3:30-4:25PM |
In Person Rudder 402 |
$90 | |
MATH2-book |
新加坡数学教材2B册 《Singapore Intensive Practice U.S. Edition》 |
Huixia Duan , Alison Li |
Only students who have registered a singorpore math class are eligible to order a book. |
In Person TBD |
$15 | ||
Singapore Math, Age 6-10, Grade 3 |
Eric Wu |
《Singapore Intensive Practice U.S. Edition》 (select "MATH3-book “ to order a textbook) |
Sunday 3:30-4:25PM |
In Person Rudder 401 (510 on 2/9) |
$90 | |
MATH3-book |
新加坡数学教材3B册 《Singapore Intensive Practice U.S. Edition》 |
Huixia Duan , Eric Wu |
Only students who have registered a singorpore math class are eligible to order a book. |
In Person TBD |
$15 | ||
Singapore Math, Age 7-10, Grade 4 |
Bruce Ladendorf |
《Singapore Intensive Practice U.S. Edition》 (select "MATH4-book “ to order a textbook) |
Sunday 3:30-4:25PM |
In Person Rudder 410 |
$90 | |
MATH4-book |
新加坡数学教材4B册 《Singapore Intensive Practice U.S. Edition》 |
Huixia Duan , Bruce Ladendorf |
Only students who have registered a singorpore math class are eligible to order a book. |
In Person TBD |
$15 | ||
Singapore Math, Age 8-11, Grade 5 |
Allen Li |
《Singapore Intensive Practice U.S. Edition》 (select "MATH5-book “ to order a textbook) |
Sunday 3:30-4:25PM |
In Person Rudder 404 |
$90 | |
MATH5-book |
新加坡数学教材5B册 《Singapore Intensive Practice U.S. Edition》 |
Allen Li , Huixia Duan |
Only students who have registered a singorpore math class are eligible to order a book. |
In Person TBD |
$15 | ||
Math-C1 |
数学AMC8竞赛班 |
Justin Wang | Sunday 7:00-8:30 PM |
Online Zoom Room3 |
$100 | ||
Algebra (Age: 11+) |
Alicia Gu |
The schedule is tentative. |
Sunday 9:00-10:30AM |
Online Zoom Room5 |
$110 | |
MLP-Textbook |
New textbook for the MLP Chinese lesson (马立平中文课) |
Huixia Duan |
Only students who are registering a MLP class are eligible to order the textbook. |
In Person TBD |
$60 | ||
Chemistry (Age: 11+)
Bowen Tian | Sunday 3:30-4:25PM |
In Person Rudder 502 (504 on 2/9) |
$90 | ||
Seminar |
BCCCE沙龙和讲座 |
Jinge Lou | Sunday 4:30-5:25PM |
In Person Rudder 401 (510 on 2/9) |
$0 |